Triumph Over Suffering

We are the clay; You are the Potter.        – Isaiah 64:8

Frequently Asked Questions and Tech Support

Q:  Why can’t I watch the video at another time?  Can’t the videos be archived?

A:  Triumph Over Suffering is a live interactive internet course.  Dr. Celeste Li wrote and designed this course for those who are suffering – and she knows from experience that in order to triumph over suffering you will need the love and support of other people! Celeste has taught this course for many years at Christ Fellowship Church, and the majority of the course evaluations state that the keys in triumphing over suffering are the healing that comes from a deep and growing relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love and support of the other participants.  This course is simply not meant to be taken in isolation. 

Although some of the video part is prerecorded, it is broadcast "live”, in “real time” on the Internet – much like a television show is broadcast.  This way participants can interact with the teachers of the course and with each other.  Participants can discuss the homework and teachings of the course and pose questions to the teachers and to other participants.  If you were watching the video alone, you would miss the love, support, and empathy of the teachers and participants, as well as the opportunity to process the teaching through the discussion time.

